What are Volt's political goals? / Healthy European Ecosystems

Environmental reform of the Common Agricultural Policy

  • Phase out subsidies for environmentally harmful farming practices

  • Promote rural development that stimulates local economies 

  • Provide incentives for the reduction of animal farming, while limiting meat imports

  • Support research for innovative farming, powered by green energy

  • Support precision farming and the implementation of automation on farms

  • Create an agricultural green transition fund to generate low-income loans to drive the adoption of sustainable practices

  • Ensure that the next CAP reform is ambitious and based on scientific evidence

  • Support further research and the eventual inclusion of genetically modified crops

The 5+1 Challenges

Volt has defined 5+1 fundamental Challenges that need to be tackled in each European country and in Europe as a whole.

Why 5 + 1 Challenges?

The 5 Challenges are basically the same for every country, but their implementation can be adapted on the national level to take into account local realities.

The +1 Challenge – our proposal to reform and strengthen the EU – is identical across all our national programmes.

All Policies in one place
  • 01

    Smart State

    Education and digitalisation are key elements of the 21st century

  • 02

    Economic Renaissance

    An innovative economy must be the engine of society's progress

  • 03

    Social Equality

    No-one should be left behind - no matter their gender, income, religion. or origin

  • 04

    Global Balance

    Europe needs to assume responsibility for its role in global challenges

  • 05

    Citizen Empowerment

    People must be empowered to influence politics beyond elections alone

  • +1

    EU Reform

    We love the EU - this doesn't mean there is no room for improvement