Regional & local delegates in Italy

Barberino di Mugello (FI)

Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN)

Fossano (CN)




Proud to Be Young Festival (PTBY): We co-organized with the town's high school students two big events where young people were the absolute protagonists. PTBY is indeed the first Festival where young people of Isernia have the chance to express themselves through music, dance, art, and poetry. The first edition saw the direct and indirect participation of more than 500 young people and high school students.

Youth Forum: We drafted and approved the "Youth Forum Rule Book" that sets the basis for the creation of the Youth Forum: a mechanism that allows young people between 15 and 29 years old who live in Isernia to make, among other things, active proposals on the Municipality's youth policies and events.

"Free therapy for high school students" : We won around 20.000€ to implement a project that allows high school students to have three free therapy sessions in high school.

"Creation of a Dog Fitness Area": We supported the creation of the first dog fitness area in our hometown.


Matera (Basilicata)

Monte San Pietro (BO)

Peschiera del Garda

Roè Volciano (Brescia)



Opening of the European Affairs Office: A local office in charge of EU affairs coordination and promotion. It provides citizens, organisations and the local administration with opportunities, training and support needed to identify, apply and complete EU projects.

Accessibility to Schools for Kids: This project aims to enhance children’s civic and ecological culture, by allowing them to walk the last stretch to school safely. During opening and closing school hours, vehicles cannot access roads to schools. The initiative has been so successful that it is being adopted by other municipalities.

Roseto degli Abruzzi

San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
