Change Europe's Future - Donate to Volt Europa
Take charge of your future and help us build a Europe that works for all of us, whoever we are, wherever we live, and whatever we do. Every donation, even just 10€, can truly make a difference.

You can also make a one-time or recurring donation through PayPal.

Volt Europa AISBL
IBAN: BE92 3631 1078 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you open about the donations you receive?
Volt Europa takes transparency extremely seriously. Therefore, we made the decision of declaring on our websites all our financial backers and supporters that have donated more than €3000 in a calendar year. Any donor fitting these requirements will be asked for their explicit consent to appear on our website: should they refuse, the total amount of their donation will be returned. Learn more about our donation policy and read our yearly financial report.
What is the money used for?
We are striving to professionalise our organisation, therefore most of our funding goes towards hiring full-time employees. These professionals will, for example, handle our communications, plan our pan-European electoral campaign, and bring Volt to all corners of the European continent.
Why do people donate and what do donors get in return for their donation?
Our donors are passionate about solving the challenges of today’s society. This is what matters to them the most and that’s why they donate to Volt Europa. In addition, donors receive updates about a couple of times per year on how Volt is developing.
If they are interested, donors can also become part of our informal European network of people who support Volt financially. Sometimes we hold events for this network of people to inspire, connect and exchange thoughts with like-minded Europeans.
What influence do donors have on your policies?
Donors do not influence our policies. Only our members have the right to co-create and vote on Volt’s policies. We are a grassroots movement and our members create and take the most important decisions.
Do major donors have more access to Volt representatives?
No, sometimes we organise events for Volters to give them an opportunity to engage and interact with representatives for Volt and we organise similar events for donors. Therefore, major donors do not have more access to elected representatives, compared to any other member of Volt.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Your donation may be tax deductible depending on your national jurisdiction. We are working on an overview of where this is possible, but in the meantime we are happy to help you figure this out. Please, reach out to [email protected]