Open Positions at Volt Europa - Policy

Volt Policy Team

The policy team's main objective is to develop Volt's policies and ensure correct representation thereof. Its main objectives include:

  • Writing our European Policy Portfolio and Electoral Programmes

  • Communicating with Workplace to all Volt members on our oplicies and related initiatives

  • Organising workshops to involve all EUR chapters to help shape our election policy programs

  • Inviting and organising methods for Volt members to create amendments for our policies

  • Manageming content on the Policy Platform

  • Advising the EUR Tech and Communications teams on how to represent policies in our public communications

If any of these objectives resonate with you, or if you have any other ideas on how to work on and with our policies, don't hesitate to apply to one of our positions!

Legislative Assistant (Volunteer)

Legislative Assistants provide legal guidance and support to the EUR Policy Team’s Policy Shapers and Volt’s Thematic Communities to enable them to draft policies that require legislative change.

Policy Shaper for Health & Social Care (Volunteer)

Policy Shapers are experts in their field of interest and play a central role in the ongoing development of Volt Europa’s policy portfolio.

Policy Shaper for Inclusivity: Gender (Volunteer)

Policy Shapers are experts in their field of interest and play a central role in the ongoing development of Volt Europa’s policy portfolio.