I was born in Frankfurt in 1988, the youngest of four children. After graduation, military service and a semester in South America, I studied philosophy and economics in Bayreuth. I began my professional life at a large strategic consulting firm, where I supervised many projects in the social and public sectors, for example in Rome, Kosovo or at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) in Nuremberg.
After two and a half years, I decided to return to university. I moved to New York to start a master's program in Public Policy. It was in this exciting city that I met Andrea and Colombe. It was the year 2016: the year of Trump, Brexit and the rise of Le Pen and the AfD (the far right in Germany). We didn't want to stand idly by while Europe was threatened, so Andrea, Colombe and I decided to found Volt Europa in 2017. I moved back to Berlin to build Volt, along with many other people across Europe. Election night of the 2019 European elections was perhaps the craziest moment of my life.
As the lead candidate of Volt from Germany, I joined the European Parliament. Since then, I have enjoyed the incredible privilege of participating directly in European politics with my team. I am proud to say that we have achieved quite a lot. Since 2019, I have worked on 25 legislative proposals, 6 of which I handled as rapporteur . Ahead of the 2024 European elections, anti-EU populism in Europe seems stronger than ever. With Volt, I want to counter these forces. The road to the next election will be challenging and exciting, but I am more than ready. Come and help us stand up for a better EU!
Vice-Chair - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Member - Committee on Budgetary Control
Substitute - Committee on Budgets
Substitute - ITRE Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
News about Damian Boeselager

News from the European Parliament Delegation - 6 December 2024

Volt gets 5 pan-European MEPs elected

“Show Up for Europe” Day : Meet Volt on the streets across Europe
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