Member of the Senate (Eerste Kamer)

I am Gaby Perin-Gopie, grew up in Zoetermeer and have been living in The Hague for many years. I want to contribute to a more equal and fairer Netherlands and Europe based on my Volt values.

I worked at various ministries for twelve years and made laws for various ministers. My experience at executive organisations such as UWV and DUO has given me a good idea of ​​the impact of changes in the law on government executive organisations. In my most recent role, as chairman of CNV Zorg & Welzijn, I saw the impact of changing laws and regulations on employees in healthcare on a daily basis. I will take this experience with me to the Senate.

I could never have dreamed that I would now be party leader in the Senate. I grew up in a low socio-economic environment. I belong to the first generation in my family to go to university, and I am the first in the family to enter politics. In our family, politics was seen as theatre, a far-fetched affair. As a child, I was not aware that politics is supposed to solve social problems.

In the Senate, I will really test whether our laws work for people. Whether they are feasible and contribute to realizing the climate goals. And above all, I will keep a close eye on whether our laws comply with the European agreements.

It is especially important now that this European test is done well. Confidence in politics is low, so we must do our utmost for ordinary people. And today's challenges, such as climate and migration, are not limited to national borders. That is why I am making the nuanced, constructive Volt sound heard in the Senate. For this and future generations.

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