Anna Strolenberg

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Five years ago, Anna (28) joined Volt and started working as national campaign leader. She was gripped by Volt's ambition to be the answer against rising populism. She helped Volt Netherlands gain a foothold in municipalities, provinces and the Dutch Lower Chamber.

Anna is deeply concerned by the scapegoat politics we see more and more often. It distracts from the very discussion we should be having: what kind of country and continent do we want to be? A Europe built on human rights, or a continent that slams the door shut on the other with a hard hand? As far as Anna is concerned, it is an open, social and green European society.

In the European Parliament, especially on polarised topics such as asylum and migration, she wants to bring about positive changes.

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Member – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Substitute – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Substitute – Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

News about Anna Strolenberg

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