Member of the House of Representatives

Since December 2023 Alexandra Attalides represents Volt in the House of Representatives. Below Alexandra tells us more about herself:

“I am Alexandra Attalides and I was elected as Member of the House of Representatives in 2021 with the Green Party of Cyprus from which I resigned in early 2023.  I joined Volt in October 2023 because we share this vision and because Volt stands up against populism, the far-right rhetoric and conspiracy theories that divide our societies and undermine democracy and the rule of law.

I define myself as a feminist, a pro-European activist for the environment, human rights and the rule of law.  I have worked for decades with citizens organisations to promote equality, human rights for all, the protection of the environment, peace and reconciliation and in recent years against corruption and to strengthen the rule of law, transparency and accountability.

I live in Cyprus, a country divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion and occupation of its northern part.  I saw the results of war and destruction as a teenager.  Communities are divided by ethnic hatred, death and displacement.  That’s why I am dedicated to peace and reconciliation in my country and the world.  The European Union is the only way to combat racism and nationalism that destroyed Europe twice in the 20th century. European integration is the only way to avoid the mistakes of the past and to create a better future for our children in Cyprus and the EU.

In the Parliament, I serve as Member of the Standing Committees of Human Rights, Ethics, Budgetary Control and Foreign and European Affairs.  I am committed to serving the rights of citizens and future generations.  To do this we need to create a more inclusive and caring Europe, promote measures to save the planet, combat climate and protect humanity from destruction.

I dream that Volt very soon will become the driving force for a greener, safer and human Europe. That it will become the voice of the voiceless. To do this we must inspire and mobilise people to participate in the democratic process.  We must work hard to increase Volt’s membership across Europe until we have a strong representation in all the European Parliament and the parliaments of the 27 EU member states.

I am committed to this vision and together we can do it!” 

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