Volt joins Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
> After negotiations with both Greens/EFA and Renew Europe, Volt held a membership vote on their MEPs’ group affiliation.
> A majority of 87%voted in favour of joining the Greens/EFA group.

24 June 2024 - The five Volt MEPs will join the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament. The decision was announced after two weeks of negotiations and a membership vote by Volt Europa members across the continent.
Damian Boeselager, MEP and co-founder affirms: “Volt aims to have its own group in the European Parliament to become a truly European party. Until then we ask our members to decide where we sit. I am happy Volt members followed our recommendation to sit with the Greens/EFA, as the Group has been supportive of our mission to act on EU reform, humane migration rules, a competitive economy, the transition to climate neutrality and social justice. We also hope that this strengthens the Greens/EFA to be part of the von der Leyen majority to safeguard the Green Deal.”
Anna Strolenberg, MEP: “The fight against right-wing populists is at the heart of Volt´s agenda and one of the reasons why the movement was founded. To us, the Greens/EFA is among the groups that is most credible in countering right-wing populism and it is clear that Volt members, from all over Europe, feel the same.”
The five MEPs explained the decision in a press conference on Monday. Please contact [email protected] to receive further information.
About Volt:
As the first truly pan-European party, Volt is committed to reforming the European Union so that global challenges can be solved across Europe. Volt's vision: A progressive Europe with a democratically elected European government, a socially just society, a climate-protecting economy and self-determined digitalization.
Volt is convinced that only grassroots democratic participation can prepare Europe for a sustainable, economically strong and socially just future. That is why Volt acts at all levels - from local to European, as a movement and a party. The movement gives all European citizens a voice and the opportunity to get involved politically from within society. Volt is now represented across Europe: thousands of people of all ages and professions are involved in over 30 countries with teams in hundreds of cities.
Volt Europa