The Anniversary of the Second Phase of the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus

Today, we solemnly observe the anniversary of the second phase of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974—a day that forever changed the lives of many Cypriots and left a lasting scar on the island’s history.

Aug 14, 2024

As we remember this tragic event of the invasion, Volt Europa stands in solidarity with the people of Cyprus, acknowledging their ongoing pain and the unresolved division that continues to this day.

The invasion not only led to the occupation of nearly 37% of Cyprus's territory but also resulted in the displacement of thousands of people, many of whom still live with the unresolved grief of lost homes, livelihoods, and loved ones. In the course of the Cyprus problem, Cypriots from all communities suffered great losses, and pain. Today, the only way to honour the memory of the victims of the past is to support the creation of a united, federal Cyprus, one in which empathy and understanding will prevail.

One of the most significant and painful reminders of this conflict is the issue of Famagusta. Once a thriving and prosperous city, Famagusta has remained frozen in time since its occupation and in the past few years it has been turned into a sad tourist spectacle. Volt Europa firmly calls for the return of Famagusta to its rightful inhabitants under U.N. administration, as called for in U.N. Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789.

As a pan-European political movement, Volt Europa reaffirms its commitment to supporting all efforts aimed at finding a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Cyprus issue.

We strongly advocate for renewed dialogue, diplomacy, and cooperation between all parties involved, with the goal of achieving the reunification of Cyprus as a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, with political equality. In this we are encouraged by the efforts for rapprochement between Greece and Turkey, two of Cyprus’ three guarantor powers.

Ideas for a two state solution or other partitionist models are neither sustainable nor possible and we vehemently reject them. A united federal Cyprus, with single sovereignty, single international personality, single citizenship, and two constituent states with political equality, as outlined in the United Nations resolutions, is the essential framework for ensuring the security, freedom, and prosperity of all Cypriots.