Statement on the invasion of Ukraine
We are deeply troubled by President Putin’s decision to declare war on Ukraine and we stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

We are deeply troubled by President Putin’s decision to declare war on Ukraine and we stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
The European Union must respond swiftly and rigorously to this breach of international law and of the Minsk Agreements. Uncoordinated responses and lack of unity among the member states not only hurt the European project but also harm the results we want to achieve.
The European Union and especially its member states have to prove that the citizens of Ukraine and Ukraine’s sovereignty are worth more than financial and trade concerns. This is why we reiterate our demands and we urge the EU and its allies to hit the Russian government with massive and targeted sanctions:
sanction Russian banks, companies, military personnel, and other Kremlin-linked individuals, their families, and their business partners;
stop all business deals with the Russian state, Kremlin-associated individuals, and companies;
freeze all assets of state-owned companies or companies and individuals associated with the Kremlin.
While we still hope for a quick end to this conflict and for a diplomatic solution, this seems improbable for the time being. European countries must prepare to welcome and care for Ukrainian refugees in coordination with the European Agency for Asylum.
If there was ever a test for the European Union to show strength and unity, this is it. We must not leave Ukraine and the Ukrainian people to fend for themselves.