Volt in the News
(selected articles from 2023)

  • Eileen O'Sullivan: "Not only the loud people should have their say"
    Councillor Eileen O'Sullivan talks about her plans for more citizen participation in an interview with the FR. The City of Frankfurt wants to involve citizens in important decisions more than before. In a first step, guidelines for citizen participation are being drawn up. (FR, 26.09.2023)

  • Slovakia’s Janus-Faced Electorate
    At the end of September, Slovaks will vote in Central Europe’s most consequential election in a year and a half. At stake: will the new government strengthen Europe or strengthen Russia? (Transitions, 18.09.2023)

  • We are more than the binary terms Brexit needlessly divided us into
    Rachele Arciulo, co-President of Volt in Spain, explains how Brexit underscored in several ways that referendums, by their nature, tend to simplify complex realities and divide societies into binary terms. (The New European, 18.09.2023)

  • Laurens Dassen continues at Volt: "You shouldn't stand on the sidelines shouting"
    Volt is ready to participate in a coalition, says candidate list leader Laurens Dassen: "You shouldn't stand by the sidelines shouting". (Trouw, 19.07.2023)

  • The EU lacks political will to give asylum seekers decent refuge
    Volt Europa’s President, Francesca Romana D’Antuono, reflects on the recent Greek elections, the troubling trend of conservatives blaming migrants and refugees for societal issues, and the political will the EU is lacking to enact the necessary changes. (EU Observer, 12.06.2023)

  • We must make it easier for non-EU citizens to move around Europe
    “Migration is such a toxic topic for so many, but the reality is that we do not have endless time to figure out how to become a more competitive and attractive Union” - Volt MEP Damian Boeselager talked to The Local about why it’s important for the EU to become more welcoming to non-EU citizens. (The Local, 08.06.2023)

  • Flame Rekindled: Volt Greece’s Mission to Restore Pro-EU Sentiment
    Manos Avgerinos and Katerina Georgiou, who serve as spokespeople for Volt Greece, provide insight into the process of expanding a small political party, discuss the existence of euroscepticism in Greece, and outline their strategy for participating in the 2024 European elections. (PartyParty, 05.06.2023)

  • European 2024: Duarte Costa and Rhia Lopes elected as top candidates for Volt in Portugal
    Our Portuguese team just elected their lead candidates for the European elections: it’s Duarte Costa and Rhia Lopes. "We want a truly united, democratic, solidarity-based and inclusive Europe that values people" and "that allows its citizens to be part of the solution to the challenges they face”, says Ana Carvalho, co-President of Volt Portugal. (Observador, 28.05.2023)

  • Representatives of Volt Europa, a pan-European political movement, joined the co-founders of Volt Slovakia on Friday to begin the process of registering Volt Slovakia as a political party
    Our Volt family is growing! Lucia Kleštincová and Rick Zedník are the co-Presidents of the newly founded Volt in Slovakia: “The old model of politics is outdated and it is time for Slovaks to be offered a new option, and that is Volt Slovakia," said Lucia Kleštincová to Sita. (Sita, 26.05.2023)

  • A revolution of hope
    To celebrate Europe Day, a coalition of academics, artists, civil society members, and politicians - including Volt’s MEP Damian Boeselager - called for a “Revolution of Hope” to strengthen positive dialogue across borders and language barriers. (Times of Malta, 09.05.2023)

  • Unrest in House of Representatives after showing European flag: 'in the fire with it'
    On Europe Day, Netherlands' Volt MP Laurens Dassen and D66 MP Sjoerd Sjoerdsma gifted the European flag to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Vera Bergkamp. The gift was quickly moved out of the chamber, however, as the PVV was protesting the showing of the flag. (AD, 09.05.2023)

  • Brussels, My Love? Radical climate activism, crisis of confidence in France and inflation in Europe
    Do you think throwing soup at a Van Gogh painting is helpful to the fight against the climate crisis? In the last episode of Brussels, My Love on Euronews, our co-President Reinier van Lanschot argues that a certain amount of civil disobedience is a great thing in a healthy democracy. (Euronews, 06.05.2023)

  • ‘Malta’s two-party system needs reform,’ Volt MEP says during official visit to island
    During a two-day visit in Malta, Volt MEP Damian Boeselager met a number of the country's ministers, MPs, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and held a town hall with Volt Malta. Damian also visited the country's asylum camps. At the townhall with Volt Malta, the MEP spoke with members and guests the political situation and system in Malta, delving into the challenges it presents to up and coming parties. (Malta Independent, 03.05.2023)

  • Citizens’ Assemblies: A solution to the democratic deficit of the EU
    Clara Panella Gómez and Rijk Willers from the Volt Europa’s Policy Team introduce the potential of citizen's assemblies in solving the democratic deficit in the EU. The article argues that citizen's assemblies could provide legitimacy to the decision-making process of the institutions and energise the European public to engage in transnational debates on important issues. (Brussels Times, 01.05.2023)

  • Cologne can become a cannabis city
    The German Federal Government is working on legalising the sale and growth of cannabis and Cologne could be one of the first cities to be included in the trial. “The city fulfils all the prerequisites for an informative trial on the legalisation of cannabis with scientific support”, said Jennifer Glashagen, Chair of the Volt parliamentary group. (tagesschau, 20.04.2023)

  • EU starts negotiations on single and long-term residence permits
    The European Parliament on Thursday voted in favour of starting interinstitutional negotiations on directives for single and long term permits to reside and work in an EU country, to speed up application procedures for third-country nationals. Volt’s MEP Damian Boeselager, the rapporteur for the file on long-term residence permits, told journalists on Wednesday that they expect the legislation to be approved before next Christmas. (Euractiv, 20.04.2023)

  • Bug bounties "protect the public and businesses"
    Volt called for the introduction of Good Samaritan laws on ethical hacking and criticised police behaviour in Malta, where four students were arrested and strip searched, after they alerted a company of a major cybersecurity vulnerability present on their app. “By punishing ethical hackers, you’re only making it easier for people in bad faith to exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities“ - Alexia DeBono, Co-President of Volt in Malta. (Newsbook, 13.04.2023)

  • Conservative Hungary: what can Europe do for LGBTIQA+ Rights?
    Ana Carvalho wrote about the recently passed Hungarian law putting more and more LGBTQIA+ people in danger. European institutions should have the power to safeguard people's rights, says Ana. Volt is fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights all over Europe, acting directly for the structural reform of the European Union. (Dezanove, 15.04.2023)

  • Threats and Bluffs: Europe and the Need for Common Defence
    In this opinion piece on Diário de Notícias, Yannick Schade, General Secretary of Volt in Portugal, explains the need for a common European Defence, to ensure our common European Union project remains strong in the face of current and future adversities. (Diário de Notícias, 28.03.2023)

  • We need a European Army
    Adam Hruška, security expert of Volt in Czechia, explores on Deník Referendum how the current NATO centric model of European security has its shortcomings and how the formation of a common European army would help to fill the gaps, especially in the current emerging world order. (Deník Referendum, 27.03.2023)

  • Theodora Famprikezi. Maturity of years... 27
    "We don't have the luxury of fear or doubt. Fear is certainly one of the emotions we experience when we step out of our comfort zone, but it cannot stop us. Fear is a good feeling if it leads to action" - Theodora Famprikezi spoke to Social Lib about Volt and engaging in politics as a young person. (Social Lib, 26.03.2023)

  • Powering Europe's energy transition: EU bets on 'clean' hydrogen
    The EU has the ambition to turn hydrogen from a polluting niche market to a clean mass market. Renewable hydrogen is seen as crucial for Europe to meet its international climate commitments, and to limit its dependence from natural gas providers, be that Russia or other countries. But how does this complex transformation happen in practice? France24 discussed the issue with two MEPs, including Volt’s MEP Damian Boeselager. (France24, 24.03.2023)

  • Expat tax breaks: A race to the bottom
    In recent years, EU countries have used tax breaks to attract foreign workers to their own labour markets, argues Paul van Bommel. While allowing people to work where they want is a great step towards more balanced labour markets, this shouldn’t come at the expense of social fairness. If EU countries are serious about attracting talent, they should instead invest in value-adding factors, such as high quality education, public transport and healthcare systems. (Brussels Morning, 22.03.2023)

  • Nikos Fournarakis: Volt Greece will be present with ballots throughout the country
    Co-President of Volt in Greece, Nikos Fournarakis, presented the positive and progressive agenda of the newly created party on the radio programme Livetalks: “Volt ist not a party which came out of a social wave of reactions, Volt came to stay”! (Cretalive, 21.03.2023)

  • Is the "white man" on the verge of extinction in science?
    Ana Carvalho, co-president of Volt Portugal, shared her opinion on women in STEM. As an engineer herself, Ana points out that female representation in areas such as Engineering and IT in Portugal is still too low at around 20%. This article appears as a response to a sexist comment made by a resident investigator during a female-oriented conference in Lisbon. (Diário de Notícias, Portugal, 14.03.2023)

  • How the EU can win the international race for talent? 
    Volt MEP Damian Boeselager shares a few ideas to achieve this goal in this opinion piece appeared on EUobserver. A united labour market instead of 27 different ones with competing policies is the only solution. We also need to change the way Europe is perceived by many looking to move here: a racist continent. (EUobserver, 09.03.2023)

  • History repeating itself?
     "If Europe does not take its fate in its own hands, it is doomed to decline in the long run". One year since the war in Ukraine: Nikos Koutretsis, a member of Volt in Greece, writes about the sacrifice of the Ukrainians and the responsibility of Europe.All Volt members, in any country, believe that Europeans share the same destiny, and that our path to the future lies through a united Europe. History will not end, but let us be present so that it does not repeat itself. (Athen’s Voice, 26.02.2023)

  • Volt: A progressive, pragmatic and pan-European policy
    Greece is in need of a new kind of politics: progressive, pragmatic, and pan-european. Stefanos Tyros (Policy Co-Lead of Volt in Greece) writes about the goal of Greece having a smart and digitised state, an efficient economy, social justice, solutions for climate change, a democracy and at the heart of a European federation. (Athen’s Voice, 21.02.2023)

  • 365 days ahead: Ukraine’s future in Europe
    In this guest article on the anniversary of the war in Ukraine, MEP Damian Boeselager, Policy Co-Lead of Volt Ukraine Anastasiia Vozovych as well as co-Presidents of Volt Europa Francesca Romana D’Antuono and Reinier van Lanschot address the European Union and its citizens. “We are determined to continue supporting Ukraine’s fight for a European future, from every point in the continent, until every Ukrainian regains their right to peace, self-determination, and democracy!” (Brussels Morning, 24.02.2023)

  • EU states have no interest in updating election law, says leading MEP
    Damian Boeselager, MEP from Volt, is currently negotiating a reform of European electoral law. His parliamentary position was last adopted in Strasbourg. "I am not very enthusiastic about the current interests of our Member States to improve our democracy," Damian told journalists on 14 February. According to the politician from Volt, this trend is "very dangerous" for democracy in the EU. (Euractiv, 14.02.2023)

  • From The Hague to Brussels. A meeting with Laurens Dassen and Damian Boeselager (Volt) in the European capital
    "Because we are still small, it is easier for us to work together", Damian says. He and Laurens go way back and have known each other from that very beginning. "Honestly, I think we work so well together because we know each other really well" Damian says. Laurens is especially enthusiastic about the European Parliament elections. A new programme is being worked on, which will again be the same in all countries in which Volt participates. (Brusselse Nieuwe, 27.01.2023)

  • Radicals or moderates? A general revolution is needed for the climate
    In their guest article Francesca Romana D'Antuono, co-President of Volt Europa, and Francesco Baldi, researcher at ENEA, talk about the climate crisis and the protests. Curbing the crisis will require a general revolution, from our way of life to the structure of the European Union, say the two members of Volt. And the EU must take the lead globally. (Domani, 23.01.2023)

  • Volt Portugal becomes the first Portuguese party to formalize in the statutes a model of co-leadership by two people of non-coincident genders
    Volt Portugal made history this weekend becoming the first Portuguese party to formalise in the statutes a model of co-leadership by two people of non-coincident genders. “This leadership format has already been widely tested and successful across chapters of Volt in Europe", says Ana Carvalho one of the co-Presidents of Volt Portugal. (Revista Visão, 22.01.2023)

  • Interview with MEP Damian Boeselager after Qatargate: “At least make sure the EU does not facilitate corruption”
    Damian Boeselager talks to Trouw about Qatargate and thinks the current proposals do not go far enough. The EU should seize this moment to really change things. “You can at least make sure that the system does not facilitate corruption. Now it is also an opportunity to improve things and become the best parliament in the world when it comes to rules on transparency and fighting corruption.”, says Damian. (Trouw, 23.01.2023)

  • Cases big and small: "Final station. Please leave the train"
    Amidst a serious political crisis in government, political experts worry about the end of traditional bipartisan alternance. Duarte Costa, co-President of Volt in Portugal, explains on Jornal de Notícias how this is a final station for such ineffective alternance and presents a solution. Take a fresher and effective train: with four new liberal, social, green parties (including Volt). First step: electoral reform. (Jornal de Notícias, 12.01.2023)

  • Volt frontman Erik Kemp stepped out of the bubble and saw a different Enschede
    With 2809 votes, Volt was the biggest newcomer to the new municipal council in Enschede. As a councillor, Erik Kemp said he vouched he would deal with climate and digitalisation, though he realised that the city doesn't need digitalisation at all now, but rather equal opportunities and poverty alleviation.

  • Guest article by Francesca Romana D‘Antuono about Italy's new government
    Volt Europa’s co-President, Francesca Romana D’Antuono, appeared on Linkiesta with a guest article on Italy’s new government. The national dimension of politics has lost its meaning in our interconnected world, especially in fiscal matters and Meloni’s government’s useless budget clearly lacks a global outlook. (Linkiesta, 06.01.2023) 

  • “Your Europe is deporting people”
    Volt City Councillor in Bamberg, Hans-Günter Brückner spoke to BILD about his house wall being tagged with the slogan “Your Europe deports people”. At the beginning of the year, Brückner decided to make this public "I could have just reported it and ignored the incident. But Volt is also against deportations, so I want to talk to the sprayer or sprayer to look for solutions together". (BILD, 07.01.2023)