Our position in the European Parliament

Volt was founded with the aim of forming an independent European Parliamentary Political Group with Volt representatives from all over Europe. This requires at least 23 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from at least 7 different countries. 

In 2019 Damian Boeselager was elected as our very first Volt MEP. Since he was the only one, it was only logical for him to join one of the existing Political Groups for the next five years. The two most logical Political Groups to join back then were Renew Europe and the Greens/EFA. 

After negotiations with both Political Groups, the members of Volt voted on which Group to join or if they wanted Damian to become a non-attached MEP. 

The membership voted to join the Greens/EFA because it was felt that we could best fulfill our election promises within that Political Group.

Dutch MEP Sophie in 't Veld split off from the Dutch party D66 in 2023 and became a member of Volt. She decided to finish her current mandate and electoral promise by remaining in her current Political Group, Renew Europe, as an independent MEP. She works together with Volt in the European Parliament and, in that capacity, acts as a Volt representative. She is now on the candidate list of Volt Belgium to become an elected Volt MEP.

With the European Parliamentary elections nearing their final phase, it’s time to start thinking about the next steps as well. A big milestone in this is the decision which Political Group all Volt MEPs will join for the next five years if we don’t reach our target of forming our own Political Group. 

Given that both, Greens/EFA and Renew Europe, remain relatively close to our political priorities, following the European elections we will engage with them to find common objectives for the next five years and on how to  best fulfill Volt’s election promises. As in 2019, our members will vote based on these negotiations, to indicate their preference of which group the Volt MEPs should join. The results will be presented in a press conference on 17th June.