As a co-lead of the European Partnerships team you will be involved in the following tasks:

  • You will develop new and improve established work streams together with your team members (30% of time spent).

  • You will coordinate the overall organisation and output of your team (10% of time spent).

  • You will align European activities and needs with national teams (10% of time spent).

  • You will organise and moderate team calls twice a week (20% of time spent).

  • You will act as a link to key stakeholders such as other functional teams, national boards, or the EUR board (20% of time spent).

  • You will co-create strategies on the development of the team together with the EUR leadership (10% of time spent).

Purpose of the Partnerships team: The EUR Partnerships team is primarily responsible for facilitating the establishment and maintenance of long-term relationships with external partners. The team takes care of network management in the name of Volt Europa, represents the party and especially Volt’s vision and interests to third parties and streamlines all of Volt’s partnership efforts and projects (for further details see Mission Statement). 

Purpose of the position: The Partnerships (PS) co-leads’ responsibilities range from such diverse topics as internal monitoring, over external representation, to networking. Crucially, they will oversee and coordinate the activities of their team and answer to the General Secretary regarding partnership-related issues. Furthermore, this role includes aligning these activities with the national PS teams. The work of the co-leads involves collaborating with a diverse set of stakeholders from the local level to the European level. Thus, this position entails a versatile field of activity such as cooperating closely with various functional teams, the movement itself, and external parties.

Benefits & advantages: You are working with highly motivated people from various backgrounds. You are encouraged to take the initiative and adopt responsibility from day one. Moreover, you are a crucial player in bringing Volt Europa forward and contribute to the growth of the party.  

What we are looking for   

Experience & Skills: 

  • English language fluency (written and spoken)

  • Pragmatic thinking, e.g. about strategy development

  • Competence in team management (goal setting, coordination, delegation)

  • Proficient communication skills 

  • High level of networking experience

  • Sound and practical knowledge in strategic partnership work (partner screening, evaluation, development) (optional)

  • Basic project management/organizational skills (optional)

Volt Europa has resolved to have all its teams be led by gender-balanced co-leads. This vacancy is for the female/diverse co-lead position.
Reporting to: General Secretary Office

Working together with: Bernd Weiss (Partnerships co-lead) and many motivated volunteers 

Hours: this is a volunteer position with approx. 8 hrs per week, flexible schedule

Location: no particular location is required

Please send an email to [email protected] with your CV and motivation letter (maximum one page).

Contact details: 

We kindly request our candidates to be members of their national chapters when applying for a leadership position at Volt Europa.